Sunday, January 18, 2009

Kiera's 6th birthday

Wow! I can't believe that Kiera is 6yrs old. How the time flies. Kiera is definitely my biggest drama queen of the two! She is my helper. She is always willing to help out and now she can clean her own room without any help. She loves to write her letters, play dress-up and makeup, watch movies and play with her friends. Kiera got to take her friends to a movie on friday night. I went to the theater with 7 kids! I think I was crazy. Luckily, my aunt (Allison) and my friend (Kate) came with me so they could help. We went to see Bolt. Kiera also had a pizza party before we went to the movie. Then on Saturday, Kam and I took her to Build a Bear and she got to build a Hello Kitty! She loved it. On Sunday, was her family party. All of Kiera's family members came over for cake and ice cream. What a long weekend! I am so glad it is all over. Here are some pics from our Sunday party. Enjoy!

Kiera being mad at her sister. Which never lasts too long. They go back to loving each other like nothing ever happened.
Kiera and Abby doing silly poses for the camera. My sister-in-law Paige, says kids always do better good poses for you if you tell them they can do a silly pose next. And its so true!
Kiera loving on her sister Abby. One minute they love each other and the next minute they are mad at each other!
Kiera, Abby and Kenzie. Kiera loves it when her cousin Kenzie comes over. Kiera is instantly attached to her and she is so sad when Kenzie goes home. Kenzie got to spend 2 nights over at our house over Kiera's birthday weekend!
Kiera and her cousin Kody. Kody got a new hairdo and I thought it was so cute! Kody's birthday is 5 days before Kiera's, but he is one year younger than her. 

Kiera and her cousin Kody. He is trying to give her a kiss on her cheek, but I think it looks like he is trying to lick her!
This is Riley. Isn't she just so cute! She is Kiera's cousin. I literally had to chase her around my house to get one photo of her, but it turned out to be a good one!
Kiera posing before she opens her gifts. Boy,is she spoiled! She got clothes, slippers, necklace, makeup, playdoh, bathtub doll and money.
Kiera showing off her birthday cake. My Little Pony cupcake cake from Walmart. It is the easiest cake by far! No cutting, no forks! Its great. I always get these cakes for my girls and they love them.
Kiera and her cousin Kenzie modeling the makeup that her Oma and Opa gave her for her birthday. I was not very excited when Kiera opened this gift! The makeup always ends up in places it shouldn't be (the walls, clothes, couches, etc.) And Abby thinks that she gets to wear some too!


Unknown said...

She's so big. I love how you do their hair. I'm not a very good girl mom. most the times I wet their hair down and comb it like a boys.

Crystal S. said...

Holy cow, I can't believe that Kiera is 6 already! Time sure flies when you're having fun. I keep trying to slow down the time, but for some reason it wont slow down (ha, ha).

Kiera, we hope you had a great birthday! You are such a cute 6 year old! Happy Birthday!

The Redhead said...

Amy, I cant believe she is 6. I remember when you were pregnant with her in nursing school. YOu were amazing because you were back right after you delivered. Your girls are gorgeous! Do you just use a curling iron to curl their hair? Im a dork with hair. Help me!
By the way, I am totally with you on the makeup thing. I HATE when people give my 3 year old makeup because it is always on the wall or carpet or know how it is, everywhere but their face!

Brooke said...

Awe, i miss your family! I can't believe how old the girls are getting! "you'd better have one more before they get too old" ;) jk
Happy Birthday to Kiera! love you guys!